The client, Paysherped, is a B2B platform company that centralizes, digitizes, and verifies all cost submissions related to labor, equipment, and materials. It's designed to proactively alert to potential risks.
Paysherped is in need of a fresh design that prioritizes user-centrality. I joined the team to address usability issues and ensure that users can easily access all the data they require for their work, effortlessly organize table layouts, and manage submissions.
In this project, I worked closely with both front-end and back-end developers to rebuild crucial pages of the site.
Product Design Lead
1 month (part-time)
While developing the design for the B2B platform, my primary challenge was to align with and fully understand the brand's unique tone of voice. My goal was to implement an updated UI/UX that seamlessly aligned with the client's requirements and vision. Additionally, I carefully considered how to effectively present large volumes of data to the user.
In the beginning, the client wanted to create a prototype to demonstrate the platform's functionality to their clients. Their primary focus was on this aspect rather than the user experience. However, after securing some clients and people began using the platform, some clients expressed concerns about the user interface. As a result, they have decided to prioritize making the site more user-friendly and have requested my assistance.
Some clients require certain information, while others do not.
There is no filtering functionality, so people have a hard time finding information.
Not enough notifications.
Unnecessary clicking.
Complicated to setup and learn.
Time-consuming to maintain.
Sometimes fields/criteria can be limiting and extremely confusing.
User interface must be definitely improved.
There were no design systems or UI components, so I encountered a new design system.
Use 8 point Layout Grid Systems. Because consistent and scalable spacing helps both designer and developer to work much faster on a project.
Mainly use Open Sans for typography and apply a type scale for text sizes, except for the body font.
Body - p
Body small - p
Small - p
Client wanted to retain their brand colors, so I modified just a little bit to make it work with new design.
I've noticed that in many cases where users are confused between content icons and the icons in the top menu. To distinguish between the two, I've implemented different styles.
I recommend using Bootstrap CSS framework to quickly style the UI elements, while also providing a UI guide for the developers.
I reorganized the menu groups. Initially, there were 10 different types of menus displayed on the pages. Some pages contained very similar information. I reorganized the groups and categorized the pages accordingly. My primary focus was on the LEMs section, which is crucial for the business.
Some companies run multiple projects simultaneously. Therefore, I reorganized the pages and merged the submission page with the vendor submission page. Both vendors and companies will view the same table to align costs and timelines. However, they need to input different information. As a result, users will see different types of buttons on the screen depending on their status.
I aimed to create a simple and clean user interface, with a primary focus on ensuring the transition process is intuitive and delivering a user-friendly experience.
Placing all the data into a small table makes the information cramped and hard to read. Users need to switch to different tabs to change the approval status.
Users will view the vendors submission information after clicking on an individual item from the list. A company needs to approve or dispute this information.
Previously, there was no clear notification provided to the user after they performed an action. To address this, I introduced a clear notification flow into the site guide.
Since I was freelancing, I couldn't conduct real usability tests with actual users. However, I conducted in-house usability tests by having colleagues and team members try out the paper prototype and Figma prototype. Additionally, I asked some friends to test it.
I enjoy tackling new problems and providing solutions. This project was a challenging journey, but it offered an opportunity to explore different industries. As a UX designer, collaborating with professionals from other fields was a valuable and enriching experience.
While freelancing to assist the client in resolving critical site issues, I didn't have the opportunity to assess user engagement. However, if I were working full-time, I would regularly monitor analytic tools and data to identify user pain points. I would also conduct user surveys to enhance the site. While these are solutions for the current challenges faced by the client, I believe that future improvements will depend on market trends, technological advancements, and user behavior. Therefore, I will continue to adapt to new technology and design trends to improve the site.